1. How does In the Lead 180 intersect with Law Enforcement, Probation, and Youth Justice Committees?
  • Under section 6, the Youth Criminal Justice Act allows a police officer to directly refer a youth to a Community Program. At the conclusion of the investigation, In the Lead 180 is deemed a community program and can be an option for police officers to directly refer to.
  • Under section 10, the Youth Criminal Justice Act also makes allowance for Youth Justice Committees to refer youth to programs as part of imposed sanctions.  In the Lead 180 is an option to be utilized by a Youth Justice Committee.
  • Probation officers dealing with a youth aged 14-17, sentenced pursuant to the Youth Criminal Justice Act and having a term of probation, can be referred to In the Lead 180.
  • Probation officers administering Alternative Measures referrals under section 717(1) of the Criminal Code are encouraged to use In the Lead 180 for adult offenders aged 18-24 who would benefit from a strengths-based approach to building positive leadership skills.
  • Additionally, In the Lead 180 might be an appropriate option for a probation officer who has a client who has been given a probation order and who is in need of programming that is not available at the local level.
2. What are the impacts of In The Lead 180 on Young Leaders who participate?
  • Our program has been proven to increase resilience in young people, increase self-esteem and create a positive connection to their community.
  • The measurable outcomes of participation are that young people have increased positive self-esteem, positive social skills, positive values and principles, positive coping skills, positive problem-solving skills, and positive hardiness and persistence.
3. Who can I refer to the In The Lead 180 program?
  • Young people aged 14-17 years old at time of offence who have had minor
    conflict with the law, or you are hoping to divert from future conflict with the law.
  • Additionally, young people aged 18-24 years old who are AMP and probation
    clients are now able to be referred to the program.
  • Young people who are demonstrating leadership potential and strengths
  • Young people who are utilizing their strengths but might struggle to do so in a prosocial and positive way
4. What are the requirements for young people to participate and be successful?
  • Young Leaders must have access to a device with a functioning camera and
    microphone and a stable internet connection to ensure they can participate in
    a meaningful way. Young people are required cameras on and pointed at
    them for the duration of class, and there are no exceptions.
  • They must also have either a private space or headphones, to maintain confidentiality for themselves and other participants.
  • Young people must log in for class by 6:10 or they will not be able to participate. All technical issues should be resolved by the young people and their families as needed prior to class, as the staff will not be available for support with this.
5. Will youth aged 14-17 years old be in the same classes as young adults aged 18- 24 years old?

No. Our Tuesday evening class is specifically for 14–17-year-olds, and our Wednesday evening class is for 18-24 year olds only.

6. Can I refer a young person to only certain classes vs. all six?

No. When young people are referred, they are expected to attend all six classes, which cover different aspects of leadership and related skills. This ensures we achieve the measured outcomes and maintain program fidelity.

7. How does the referral process work?
  • The referral source fills out and submits the online referral form on the Calgary Youth Justice Society website, which will then be delivered to the In the Lead 180 Program Coordinator via email.
  • The In the Lead 180 Program Coordinator will connect with the referral source to ensure all information is correct and to begin tracking and making notes regarding the Young Leader.
  • Once this is completed, the In the Lead 180 Program Coordinator will connect with the Young Leader, and their family as needed, by phone and/or email to provide program information and answer any questions.
  • Each week, the In the Lead 180 staff will email a class reminder and link for the Tuesday or Wednesday evening class.
8. When can I refer a young person? Do I have to wait until Class 1 for them to start their sanctions?

Young people do not need to wait until Class 1 to participate, and our classes are designed to welcome and include new young people each week.

9. What kind of contact and feedback will I receive from In The Lead 180 Program Coordinators?
  • In The Lead 180 staff will connect with the referral source when a referral is received. Staff are also available by phone or email if there are any questions and/or more information is required.
  • Each week after class, In the Lead 180 staff will provide an individual summary of all Young Leader participants, including notes on their behaviour and participation. Additionally, if there are concerns or issues to be addressed, staff will directly contact the referral source.
  • Within 24 hours of a young person completing their sanctioned classes, staff
    will provide a certificate of completion, which includes a record of attendance and strengths the staff have seen in the Young Leader.
  • If a Young Leader does not complete their sanctions, a record of classes they have attended will also be provided.
10. What happens if a young person misses a class?
  • If a young person misses class, staff will update the referrer. We also follow up with the young person, as well as their family as needed, directly.
  • They are welcome to return the following week. They do not have to wait for a particular class rolls back around to rejoin.
  • As long as the young person attends a total of 6 classes, they will successfully complete the program. This means that they may complete the same class twice, but this will still be counted towards their attendance, as
    long as they participate fully.
11. How do Young Leaders access the In the Lead 180 classes they are sanctioned for?
  • The In The Lead 180 staff email a reminder with the online link to the Young Leaders, and their families as needed, approximately 24 hours in advance.
  • Young Leaders, and their families as needed, must ensure that they sort any technical issues prior to logging in for class and must have a functioning camera and microphone to participate.
  • If Young Leaders are more than ten minutes late to class, they will not be admitted into the online call and will not be counted as present.
12. What steps are taken to ensure safety and privacy during the In the Lead 180 online program?
  • The program uses Zoom, which is an encrypted video platform.
  • All In the Lead 180 staff will facilitate the classes from a private space and will also wear headphones as needed to ensure conversation privacy.
  • Participant-to-participant chat and participant screensharing will be disabled.
  • Nothing will be recorded.
  • Young Leaders can only join the online class by joining the “Waiting Room” and being approved to enter by In the Lead 180 staff.
  • In the Lead 180 staff can remove any identifying information, including Young
    Leaders’ last names, from their display names as necessary.
  • Additionally, staff can remove a Young Leader who is not respecting the Rights and Responsibilities, which includes breaching confidentiality, lack of meaningful participation, or bullying of any kind.
13. What if the young person doesn’t show up?

If the young person doesn’t attend, participate, or complete the class, In the
Lead 180 staff will inform the referral source within approximately 24 hours after class. It is the responsibility of the referrer to follow up with the young people, and their families as needed, and is not the responsibility of In the Lead 180 staff.